Tuesday, May 26, 2009

18件傻傻的事情 26-May-2009

26 May 2009

看完了这边文章,让你笑着对自己讲当年有多傻, 哈哈哈...

8、拍别人左边 站在别人右边
17、下雨的时候,拿起伞故意往雨大的地方走去 听雨啪啪的声音 感觉很爽

以 "放松一下,生活中18件傻傻的事情,你做过几件?我做过了XX件" 来回答我吧^^

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Life & Alone 23-May-2009

23 May 2009
---- Life ----
Humans live.
Humans leave.
That's the normal cycle.
You'll get over it.
Trust me.
I'll be here,
in case you need me,
---- Alone ----
.Hiding in complete darkness.
.Drowned by deafening silence.
.Fighting against mixed emotions.
.Afraid to take off my mask.
.Breathing so hard to keep calm.
.Forced not to dream.
.I lost the battle.
Copy From Here

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

给自己的话 奋斗吧 Vinn 20-May2009

20 May 2009



但是,知道在Semester2 Break时,我才觉得原来成绩是真的很重要的,尤其是在现在2009年度,没错文凭只是一张废纸,但如果好好利用的话,那将是一张很有价值的废纸。在现在2009年任何东西都需要文凭,继续升学,还是出来社会工作也是需要他,试想想,如果你的文凭中有一颗F的话,那还会有老板还会聘请你吗?大学还会收你吗?Vinn你想好好吧!!就算大学收你,但你能进到一间好大学吗?那间大学的文凭受全世界肯定吗?好,好,就算本地大学不收你,那你觉得外国大学会收你这个蠢人吗?会吗?!!!

星期一:8.30am上课,9.00pm 放学
星期二:2.00pm上课,8.45pm Hip-Hop class 放课

虽然说好文凭试很好用,而且古语又有曰“学以致用”但,我真的好累好累啊。。。 学校每个星期都有考试,每天都要Quiz,等下这科,等下那科,每天都要应付,少过20/50就要给RM750拿过那科了。。。 每天都要过着被时间绑着的生活,真的好累好累,就连我那新买的相机,都不能拿出去外面拍...累!!!


Vinn 加油吧!!一定要在2011年三月毕业,不可托延!!奋斗!!

找女友要找“好”的 19-May-2009
























Friday, May 15, 2009

Tiring Day And BBQ 14 May 2009


Today was a very tired, tired, tired day... Really is a tired day in this year 2009... Morning 8am until 10pm also got class, morning got TFC lect, than 1pm AME tut, 3pm TFC lab, until 7pm get a Bahasa Melayu retain... until 10pm only can back =(

When we studying in Bahasa Melayu class on 8.45pm, suddenly "Pop!" whole coll no electric, Walao... i study that coll since long time ago, first time happen on school no light... All people come out from the class room and check it out what happen is it. Because we feel so bore on that, so we are go out for slack slack, since no eletric our projecter cannt show anything, and lect cannt teach anymore too... ^^

After slacked, we walk back our class room, when we are walking, we keep look out our classmate bring out they bag walk out from classroom, fianly our lect teacher he are giving us back early... So happy...

After the class, i phone halsten and his room mate is it really want go out having a dinner, because me are planning over night in they's house. I'm feel so suprise, because they really do BBQ in the hostel. After put down the phone, i stright go they house and having the BBQ dinner with them. after reached there, when im enter they hostel, they told me a bad news, they told me the food of standby BBQ got alot, but the... "BBQ used's thing" are broked... -.-!

Then they get a good idea, they suggest use Ah Yee the "eletrick pan" cook thing let us eat ar... At the begin, Ah Yee he are cook for us to eat the all thing... But dont know why, until end, become Ah Soon cook.. Lolz so funny in just know.

Than now, H.Teng, Ah Seng and Haslten they are plying CS, Guang and Hong they go out for they Dota, than me... I'm very boring, so i lend a Broardband from Halsten, so i only can write blog on here... haha Thank alot ya =)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tham In E.T.B 11 May 2009


Today is my E.T.B's retain class first day. At the begin i feel so nervous, because we dont know who are teaching us in this night retain class. But when i enter the class room, suddenly Collin come out, she told me the teacher of E.T.B is Tham... Wao.... OMG!!

Tham in our coll is the most... strickly.... scary person... haha... joke joke.. But he really is a teacher who is strickly and good, better than last time Ah Yap Teach.. haha =) He teach us very clearly and deep... diffrent with Ah Yap teaching...

Because of today i wear a short pants, so i'm so, so scared afraid he look on my leg side, because E.T.B's first rule is cannot wear short pant in sch, and heard he are very strickly teacher, so i try to use my jacket to cover up my leg... luckily he is not scolding me =) By the way, i feel the sit near of me-Ah Choo, he are so pity, he keep get "peli" from Tham... haha later scold him explain too clearly, later scold him dont keep the bag so earlier... Really is fun today.. (Hope this month in E.T.B's class will take very fun and not tired, because every monday and wednesday from 8am to 9pm d... 13hours in school. )

Tham today speacial teach us 4 sentences, let me feel this 4 sentences are so meaningful...

Level 1 : You Don't know, You Don't know...
Level 2 : You know, You Don't know...
Level 3 : You know, You know...
Level 4 : You Don't know, You know...

Level 1 : You Don't know, You Don't know... Mean that, what thing start from begin, u also will don't know what it that

Level 2 : You know, You Don't know...
Mean that, What thing u thought u know, but in real, u don't know...

Level 3 : You know, You know...
Mean that, finaly u know, so u can work it smoothly...

Level 4 : You Don't know, You know...
Mean that, You can do whatever thing with super smoothly, sometime u feel u don't know, but in real u know it, it already become a habit...

Tham he hope we can get the meanning from the sentence, he told us the level 4 are so hard, except your so hardworking, he hope us can study with this 4 level, can study very smoothly and get a good result... Thanks Tham...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

菜妈妈的母亲节 10 May 2009


母亲节,母亲节,一年一度的母亲节又来噢.... 相信我的朋友们会和他们的妈妈庆祝吧,哈哈.... 本来星期六是大算和朋友去游花车的,但呢?突然嫂嫂打电话来说提前庆祝母亲节,所以呢,只好放他们飞机咯,哈哈,不好意识哦,=) 帮妈妈做完工后便下到店里去,等待嫂嫂的妈妈的准备^^ 都已经8点咯,但嫂嫂似要去又好像不要去的,气得我!!! 当我等到我Piche时,我便拿起我的电脑,书包往出口那驾车回家去,回到家的10分钟后,电话就响了,拿起电话听后,才知道他们要去E-Gate的越南食吃,已是我便再次拿起我的相机和电脑往下跑,因为妈妈说他要来载我...

到了那边后,只知道嫂嫂他叫了整桌子的菜,有很多很多东西,满满的整张桌子... 本来大算大拍特拍的,但.... 被骂了~.~ 只好算咯~ 只有前三张照片的而已...

星期六的一餐后,我就回旧家那去睡,第二天呢,早上便和爸妈奶奶去关之角去享用早餐。吃完早餐后,我便载上我妈,爸,和我的奶奶到北海的SunwayCarnival去走走... 到了哪,泊好车后,便走进去,还没到中央,就已经看到有泰人在那售卖泰食,真的很多人在那... 因为才吃完早饭,所以呢,我们就到那走走先^^ 不到十分钟,我妈不见了!!原来-_-他去了服装店去看衣服~.~, 其实讲真的,SunwayCarnival真的很小,让人很没满足感(因为走不够吧)~.~哈哈两小时后,我们又回到了泰食那... 只是用了RM40+就能让四个人,全桌满满的,吃得很饱很饱=)以下是其中的六张照片...


Vinn's Difficult In Life P2 8 May2009


In previous blog, talking about my Bahasa Melayu's stuff. Than at next day, that is 8-May2009 friday go student service ask the admin why i'm failed. So at morning 9pm+ during SMS class, me, K.Hwang, and collin go down to student center, asking why we are failed.

After we reached front door of student service, we suggest K.hwang go ask first, because me and collin are so scared talking with sharon, she are so... haha...... After K.hwang enter to student service, i think got 15 minit more he are coming out, we feel so weird why so fast come out.

We asked K.Hwang what they respond to he, What the hell... Maggie are going K.L for 2 week, than the retain due date are this week tuesday, but maggie coming back on next 2 week, we cannt ask her about our result. Than we are planing to ask our next Bahasa Melayu lect, that is Mr.Yim, but he only will stay in our coll wednesday... So panic ar!!! And also so pek che!!!

Than K.Hwang ask admin's people again, he ask them, than can we know our course work? What the fuck! Admin's people dont want let us know our course work mark.... They want us apply remake, OMG lar.. we also dont know our course work mark, how we take remake o.... If we take retain, that is waste more RM360 to take over the Bahasa Melayu again!!! Argh... until now we still dont know What should we do... how... how... God ar~~~ If really is want retain than i need pay again.... ar..... Panic =(

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Vinn's Difficult In Life P1 7-May-2009

7 May 2009

Suddenly all thing is happend... Suddenly all stress are coming... Suddenly have no heart to continue my educated... Even i have to think i want stop my educated... Today on morning, when i'm in class TFC, alot people came told me, the BMT result are coming out, than i also go to noticed board to check out of my result, wao... so happy, i get A in my BMT test. Than i very happy to past this morning and go having a lunce with my classmate. But dont know is it a happy's stuff are so fast to past, until afternoon TFC's tutorial, during the class, our some classmate discuss the the fresh result of the Bahasa Melayu, because at the begin i'm so confidence to pass the subject, so im not so afraid i will failed in Bahasa Melayu, since because last time maybe i wrote out the title in the exam, so i failed, but this time i'm so confidence i can pass the exam, but dont know why, before i check the result the scare feel come again,the stress is coming, i'm so nervous, even the both of my hand are so cold, im so afraid, so until the end i strightly go library check out the fresh result, omg, i almost drop down from the table, because this time i really is try of my best, try my best and best already, i dont know why i'm failed! And until now i cant find out the issue WHY I'M FAILED.. I'm not write wrong title, and the Bahagian B i realy score the 10marks, than bahagian C im very confrom i'm not wrote a wrong title, and also impossible out of the title...

I'm keep asking my classmate, why i'm failed, they respond me, maybe is asignment low marks no more than 10/30, i answer them impossible, even a people simply do she also can get 15marks in the assignment, i have do many point and in the asignment, how i cant more than 15 marks. Another said maybe is yours karangan out of the title, i keep strightly answer them, that is not really, because before the exam starting, Ms.Maggie she are disscuss the title with us already, so how can i out the title of the exam? Than other people said, maybe is Ms.Maggie beh syok you, made you fails -.-! omg this more a useless word, Ms.Maggie totally dont know me, how she let me failed. If realy she want me failed, start from Pendidikan Moral she let me failed already la, no need wait until Bahasa Melayu. Than until the end, got a people say, maybe Ms.Maggie feel that you are plagiarism.. -.-! because the Bahagian B we get answer from other people, because we really is same at all, maybe she feel that we are plaiarism, but this also not the real issue, because my friend C.yee and Y.theng they also pass the subject too. Why im failed, i asked many many time to my friend already... If a people he no study than fail in exam, he will feel nothing well, but if a people had a very very try best to do the exam, and he fail in exam, can you think the feel?

During TFC's class, They discuss tommorow all people go meet up with Ms.Tan B.H, because we want get a reason, we want know why we failed... why why why we failed...!!

*I want tanks to my classmate who have counselling to me, speacially X.wei, because i totally bother kacau he in the whole afternoon class.. Ps yar.. haha...

*But however, Vinn will keep it up, he want be a engineer in future, maybe he get alot of difficult, but i believe, he can go through, i believe he can do it... Try best! However, tommorow vinn still got another Math test waiting for him, Vinn, dont because the Bahasa Malayu made you down, you must keep going up!! AddOil Vinn!! Alot thing are waiting on you, you also want clear yours wishing list from the blog !!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

菜菜愿望清单 5-May-2009

5 May 2009




Monday, May 04, 2009

Da-Mouth>Dreamz Club 4-May-2009

4 May 2009

17-April-2009 Friday,Very funny day, thats day.. me and W.hui go auto-city Dreamz look for Da-Mouth, Since we know there is a clubbing already, but we also "gong gong" go... until there is already 9.30pm already, we thought we are already late... but when we enter the places, inside so less people, something like 20 only... at the begin we think we are go wrong places... made us so weird... but no more than 20 minit, walao... suddenly donoe where the people come from... so full... and alot... however, we find a "good" places ( mean no block people, no desk-because we no order the beer, no chair-because we didnt spent any money in the clubbing Dreamz) and stand there. mana tahu, Da-Mouth are so "....." , they late about 1 hour more, made me and W.hui look like "gong gong" sat at there keep waiting waiting and waiting, finaly wait till 11pm, suddenly the tiring feel, mood gone away... look them on the party.. wao... Da-Mouth's party are so cool and very high, in the party alot people sing, dance, and do alot thing... inside the party still got a guyz dance, he dance are so cool, hip-hop combine with break-dance, look so nice. So finaly the time are reach 1pm+, Da-Mouth party are end, me and W.hui bring out our' albrum go font take a signature let them sign with us... Thats day both of us feel so funny, because us look like 2 childs inside the clubbing... all people look on us... maybe we go a wrong timing bah, we should go sunway carnival on saturday afternoon bah =) However Wish Da-Mouth keep goin up, be a superstar band in earth =)